Shocking ADHD Longevity Crisis: Alarming Reduction in Life Expectancy
February 21, 2025 - Reading time: 9 minutes

“It is of great concern that some adults who are formally diagnosed with ADHD are dying younger than they should,” says Professor Josh Stott of University College London. This frightening conclusion speaks to a stark truth — people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) experience a significantly shorter life span than their peers.
Indeed, a recent new study published in The British Journal of Psychiatry found that men with ADHD face a potential loss in life expectancy of nearly 9 years and women an astounding 11 years. These shocking statistics highlight the lethal consequences ADHD can inflict — even on those receiving a clinical diagnosis.
Sadly, the real extent of this crisis could be far worse, since the study found that only a tiny fraction of adults with ADHD - fewer than one in nine - have actually been diagnosed. “This study addresses only a fraction of the whole community,” Dr Liz O’Nions explains, “and so the unmet support needs for the wider ADHD population are probably even more acute.”
Understanding the Roots of the ADHD Longevity Crisis
Central to this will be the known correlation between ADHD, health and behavioural factors that could seriously affect life expectancy. Let’s dig into some of the main causes of the ADHD longevity crisis:
Impaired Executive Functioning: Difficulty with executive functions, i.e. such as planning, organisation, and impulse control, is one of the core symptoms of ADHD. It can stem into a range of risky behaviours, from substance abuse through to bad nutrition and sleeping habits — which all take a toll on physical and mental health.
“You make bad choices because you’re impulsive,” said Dr. Max Wiznitzer, a professor at Case Western Reserve University. “It’s not the ADHD, it’s the ADHD lifestyle.”
Psychiatric Disorders and Mental Health Issues: There is a well-established association, more common than previous thought, between ADHD and increased risk of depression, anxiety or substance use disorders. These comorbidities not only complicate the treatment of psoriatic arthritis but also may contribute to increased mortality. Indeed, as Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga explains, “ADHD can predispose the patient to more difficult or risky behaviours, leading them to more accidents.”
Genetic Factors: An important genome-wide association study (GWAS) hit the headlines with a worrisome link between genetic variants associated with ADHD and lower life expectancy. “For the first time, this study identifies genes associated with both ADHD and lower life expectancy and may help explain previous epidemiological observations of increased mortality in patients with this disorder,” says Dr. Maria Soler Artigas.
Lack of Diagnosis and Support: Perhaps most alarmingly, the vast majority of adults with ADHD remain undiagnosed and untreated. "Only a small percentage of adults with ADHD have been diagnosed, meaning this study covers just a segment of the entire community," cautions Dr. O'Nions. Without access to proper care, these individuals are left to navigate the myriad challenges of ADHD alone, dramatically increasing their risk of negative health outcomes.
What Happens When Adhd Goes Untreated?
The numbers tell a stark story of the ADHD longevity crisis. In fact, a 2019 study led by world-renowned ADHD researcher, Dr. Russell Barkley, found that children with the disorder were given a shockingly 25-year smackdown to their life expectancy by the time they were followed into adulthood.
“In the very worst of the ADHD cases, we’re talking about a 25-year reduction in life expectancy,” Barkley said. “That’s gut-wrenching — the difference between living to 65 years old instead of 90.”
Even among adults with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD, the outlook is grim. According to primary care data from more than 30,000 courtesy adults in the UK, the decline was as significant as having 7 years taken off the lives of men with ADHD and almost nine years for women.
Virtually all of these factors can be changed,” Barkley explains. “Change the factor [and] you change the life expectancy. So all of this is not set in stone — you know.
The key, it seems, lies in early diagnosis, comprehensive treatment, and proactive support - all of which remain frustratingly elusive for the majority of the ADHD population.
Addressing the Crisis: Practical Strategies for Improving ADHD Outcomes
So what can be done to tackle this alarming public health crisis? Experts emphasize a multi-pronged approach that addresses the root causes of reduced life expectancy in ADHD:
1. Increase Awareness and Early Diagnosis
- Launch targeted public awareness campaigns to educate the public and healthcare providers about ADHD
- Improve screening protocols in primary care settings to identify ADHD earlier, especially in adults
- Reduce stigma and misconceptions surrounding the disorder
2. Expand Access to Comprehensive Treatment
- Ensure affordable, evidence-based therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy and medication management
- Integrate ADHD care into a holistic, multidisciplinary model that addresses physical, mental, and social needs
- Empower patients with self-management strategies and support networks
3. Prioritise Healthy Lifestyle Interventions
- Implement targeted programs to improve diet, exercise, and sleep habits among the ADHD community
- Provide skills training in areas like time management, impulse control, and emotional regulation
- Address comorbid issues like substance abuse and obesity through tailored treatment approaches
4. Foster Supportive Environments
- Educate employers, educators, and policymakers about the unique challenges faced by adults with ADHD
- Advocate for workplace accommodations, academic support, and social services to enable success
- Build inclusive communities that celebrate the strengths of neurodiverse individuals
"Behavioral programs designed to improve overall health will improve life expectancy as well, but only if ADHD symptoms are under control first," cautions Dr. Barkley. "Untreated ADHD will interfere with any attempt to fix the medical treatment plan."
The Path Forward: Embracing ADHD's Unique Strengths
While the ADHD longevity crisis paints a sobering picture, there is reason for hope. As Dr. Liz O'Nions reminds us, "People with ADHD have many strengths and can thrive with the right support and treatment, however, they often lack support and are more likely to experience stressful life events and social exclusion, negatively impacting their health and self-esteem."
By addressing the systemic barriers and misconceptions surrounding ADHD, we can empower this resilient community to live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. As Dr. Marta Ribasés emphasizes, "An early diagnosis is key to help us to follow up and accompany patients early to avoid their entry into a negative trajectory that could end up with a higher mortality..."
The path forward demands a concerted effort from healthcare providers, policymakers, employers, and the public at large. But with evidence-backed interventions and a renewed commitment to supporting the ADHD community, we can turn the tide on this longevity crisis and unlock the true potential of those living with this complex condition.
How much does adult ADHD decrease life expectancy?
Now experts have found that men with ADHD may live 7 years less on average, while women lose almost 9 years.
What are the leading causes of the ADHD longevity crisis?
Key drivers are, to name but a few, impaired executive functioning, mental health challenges, genetic factors, and lack of diagnosis and support. Promoting risky behaviours and poor self-regulation, and facilitating social exclusion, also contribute significantly.
How common is undiagnosed ADHD in adults?
Research indicates that fewer than one in nine adults with ADHD actually has a diagnosis. This also means that the actual extent of the longevity crisis is almost certainly much larger than current data suggests.
How can we best influence health outcomes in adults with ADHD?
Scientists calls for the need for a multidimensional strategy that includes raising awareness and early detection, improving access to comprehensive treatment, embracing healthy lifestyle interventions and creating supportive environments.
Can you counteract the lower life expectancy of ADHD?
Yes, and most of the factors that shorten life spans are, to a large degree, changeable, says Dr. Russell Barkley, a leading ADHD researcher. If supported and intervened with, for individuals with ADHD, they can go very far in life and have their health and long life span improved.