Understanding Adult ADHD: Comprehensive Testing and Personalized Care for Effective Diagnosis and Management

January 22, 2023 - Reading time: 7 minutes
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ADHD is a complicated disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by signs of inattention, impulsivity, and occasionally hyperactivity. I have seen firsthand how ADHD can affect people's lives as a medical professional with years of experience in this area. However, people with ADHD can live successful and fulfilling lives with the right diagnosis and care.

One of the most crucial steps in managing ADHD is getting a proper diagnosis, which involves ADHD testing. This article will focus on the various types of ADHD tests for adults, as well as how these tests may differ based on age and gender.

ADHD in adults often goes undiagnosed because symptoms can be mistaken for stress or the challenges of daily life. However, ADHD is a real and serious condition that requires attention. It's essential to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all diagnosis for ADHD where age, gender differences and the severity of the symptoms, can greatly differ between individuals.

ADHD tests for adults typically involve a comprehensive evaluation that includes a clinical interview, a medical examination, and the completion of rating scales or checklists. These exams are intended to evaluate whether ADHD symptoms are present, how severe they are, and how much they interfere with various aspects of life.

ADHD interview

The clinical interview is a critical component of the ADHD test for adults. Assessment often involves: taking a detailed developmental and psychosocial history, observation of the child and use of standardised questionnaires, sometimes psychological tests, and wherever possible consideration of the child/young person’s view of their symptoms and the impact of these on their daily life. The medical examination is necessary to rule out other conditions that may mimic ADHD symptoms or coexist with ADHD, such as depression, anxiety, or certain physical conditions.

Rating scales or checklists are standardised tools used in ADHD testing. They provide a systematic way to capture information about symptoms. These scales typically ask about the frequency and severity of ADHD symptoms. Some commonly used scales for adults include the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) and the Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS).


A standardized measure called a T-score helps your doctor compare your results. When your T-score is less than 60, it usually means you don't have ADHD. A score higher than 60 may indicate ADHD. And a T-score higher than 70 means your ADHD symptoms are more serious.

It's important to note that ADHD tests may need to be adjusted based on age and gender. For instance, ADHD symptoms can present differently in adults compared to children, and men may exhibit different symptoms than women. For example, while hyperactivity is more noticeable in children, in adults, it may manifest as restlessness or difficulty relaxing. Inattentive symptoms and internalised symptoms like low self-esteem and depression may also be more prevalent in women with ADHD.

What assessment tools are used for ADHD?

A few examples are:

  • The Vanderbilt Assessment Scale - a psychological assessment tool for parents of children aged 6 to 12 designed to measure the severity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Developed by Mark Wolraich at the Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, this rating scale also includes items related to other disorders which are frequently comorbid with ADHD.
  • ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) - If the respondent scores 4 or more in Part-A, then the symptom profile of the individual is considered to be highly consistent with an ADHD diagnosis in adults
  • The Child Attention Profile (CAP) - is a standardized, behavior rating scale that is designed to evaluate attention and related behaviors in children. Developed by Mary V. Solanto, PhD, the CAP is typically used to assess symptoms associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children between the ages of 4 to 18 years old.
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) - is a comprehensive psychological assessment tool designed to evaluate the behavior and emotions of children and adolescents aged 2 to 25 years. It is widely used by psychologists, educators, and clinicians to assess various aspects of a child's functioning, including behavior, emotions, social skills, and self-perception.
  • Child Behavior Checklist/Teacher Report Form (CBCL) - are widely used assessment tools for evaluating the behavioral and emotional problems of children and adolescents. They are part of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA), developed by Dr. Thomas M. Achenbach.
  • Conners Rating Scale - it may be the most effective diagnostic tool for ADHD because of its brevity and high diagnostic accuracy, and the CBCL-AP could be used for more comprehensive assessments. At adhdtest.ai we use Conners Abbreviated Symptom Questionnaire as part of our ADHD diagnosis.

According to a 2022 study, the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) and the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) were administered to a meticulously evaluated group of adult 646 ADHD patients and also to a control group of 908 individuals. The condensed ASRS screener was found to function as proficiently as its comprehensive counterpart. On the other hand, it was the WURS that emerged with the strongest ability to distinguish between ADHD patients and population controls.

ADHD diagnosis

A proper diagnosis and a successful treatment strategy depend on getting the right ADHD test for adults. Keep in mind that ADHD is not a sign of frailty or a flaw in character. It is a true medical condition that is treatable with the appropriate care and assistance. Millions of US kids have ADHD diagnoses, with 2% being 3-5 years old, 10% being 6-11 years old, and 13% being 12-17 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

ADHD is thought to affect as much as 2 point 8 percent of adults worldwide in a 2020 study, which means it also affects disproportionately large segments of the adult population.

It's also worth noting that ADHD symptoms can present differently in males and females. The overall prevalence of current adult ADHD is higher for males (5.4%) versus females (3.2%). This highlights the importance of gender-specific considerations when diagnosing and treating ADHD.

In my years of practice, I've seen how these statistics translate into real-life experiences. Each individual with ADHD has a unique story, and it's our role as healthcare providers to help them navigate their journey. Remember, understanding is the first step towards acceptance and effective management.

This article has been written with the help of Dr.Adeel Sarwar, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

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