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Do you have any of the following? This can be either diagnosis or self-diagnosed. Choose as many as option as you like, or none if not applicable.

Think about your daily routine

Think about your daily routine. Would you say you follow the same schedule every day of the week and dislike unexpected events?

Feeling embarrassed

Do you find it confusing when someone says they feel embarrassed for someone else?

Your social behaviour

Where do you typically look when talking to someone?

Do you often fail to focus precisely on details?

Do you often find yourself overlooking details or making careless mistakes in tasks, both in your current activities and during your childhood?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Have you experienced challenges in maintaining focus during task?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often feel like you're not paying attention when someone speaks to you directly?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often find it difficult to follow instructions and complete tasks, including leaving chores or work duties unfinished?

Did you face similar challenges with finishing tasks like school assignments during your childhood?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often find it difficult to organise tasks and activities?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often avoid tasks that require sustained mental effort?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you frequently misplace items needed for tasks or activities?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Easily distracted

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Are you often forgetful in daily activities?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you frequently fidget, tap your hands or feet, or shift restlessly in your seat?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often leave your seat in situations where it is expected that you remain seated?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often feel restless?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often find it difficult to engage in leisure activities quietly?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Are you often "on the go" or do you often act as if "driven by a motor"?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often talk excessively?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often blurt out an answer before questions have been completed?

.. and how was that during childhood?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often find it difficult to await your turn?

.. and how was that during childhood?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

Do you often interrupt or intrude on others?

.. and how was that during childhood?

Examples adulthood

Examples childhood

In which areas have you experienced or are you currently experiencing these symptoms?

Examples adulthood: Work/education

Examples childhood: Education

In which areas have you experienced or are you currently experiencing these symptoms?

Examples adulthood: Relationship and/or family

Examples childhood: Family

Have you ever experienced hallucinations?

.. or sensed something that can't be there - for example it could be smell, touch, vision, sound, taste?

Have you ever experienced delusions?

... or had a persistent belief that contradicts reality?

Do you regularly experience reduced pleasure in activities that you mostly you previously enjoyed?

In the last month(s), have you persistently been in a depressed mood?

Do you frequently experience irritation, regardless of the situations you are in?

Do you often engage in hyperactivity?

... or dangerous activities with potentially painful consequences (e.g., gambling)?

Do you frequently suffer from excessive anxiety and worry about a range of topics in your life?

Do you experience impaired concentration (mind goes blank) and loss of control while worrying?

.. or even extreme restlessness (worrying keeps you up at night)?

Have you been exposed to a traumatic experience at some point in your life?

For example: accident, death, threatened death, serious injury, threatened serious injury, sexual violence, abuse?

Do you find yourself re-experiencing this event through memories, flashbacks, or even nightmares?

Do you experience recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses, that you realize are irrational?

Do you often repeat certain habits, thinking they help ease the thoughts mentioned earlier?

Do you have a pattern for unstable, emotionally charged personal relationships?

Do you often feel an intense fear of being abandoned and have strong emotional reactions?

Do you blame yourself when things don't work out? Do you find it difficult to trust others?

Do you use drugs or alcohol regularly, without being able to reduce the dosage as you would like?

Do you find yourself constantly having your entire day planned around your drug usage?

Does it prevent you from meeting social and professional expectations?

Do you experience difficulties in social interactions and communication in general?

Do you exhibit resistance to change, or have very specific and restricted interests?

Do you have trouble falling asleep?

Do you consistently struggle to fall asleep within the first 30 minutes of lying down?

Do you usually wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling asleep again?

Question 1

Do you listen and try to pay attention (e.g. in a meeting, lecture, or conversation) but your mind often drifts and misses out key information?

Question 2

Do you experience excessive difficulty in getting started on tasks (e.g doing paperwork or contacting people)?

Question 3

Do you feels excessively stressed or overwhelmed by tasks that should be manageable (e.g. "no way I can do all this now; this is way too much" though it really isn't all that bad)?

Question 4

Do you "space out" involuntarily and often when doing required reading; for instance you keep thinking of things that have nothing to do with what is being read?

Question 5

Are you easily side-tracked or do you start a task then switch to doing something less important?

Question 6

Do you lose track when reading and then need to read it again because it doesn't stick?

Question 7

How is your memory? Are you excessively forgetful about what has just been said, done, or heard in the past 24 hours?

Question 8

Do you remembers some of the details in required reading but have difficulty in grasping the main idea?

Question 9

Are you easily frustrated and excessively impatient?

Question 10

Do you feel bogged down when presented with many things to do? Do you have difficulty setting priorities, getting organised and then getting started?

Question 11

Do you procrastinate excessively; do you keep putting things off: "I'll do it later," or "I'll do it tomorrow."

Question 12

Do you feel sleepy or tired during the day, even after a decent sleep the night before?

Question 13

Do you feel disorganised; do you have excessive difficulty in keeping track of plans, money, or time?

Question 14

Are you unable to complete tasks in the allotted time; do you need extra time to finish satisfactorily?

Question 15

Do you intend to do things but forges (e.g., turn off appliances, get things from the shops, return phone calls, keep appointments, pay bills, do assignments)?

Question 16

Do you criticise yourself or feel criticised by others for being lazy?

Question 17

Is the quality of your work inconsistent; is your performance quite variable – do you slack off unless "the pressure is on"?

Question 18

Are you sensitive to criticism from others; do you feel it deeply or for a long time; do you get overly defensive?

Question 19

Do you tend to be slow to react or to get started; do you feel sluggish or slow-moving; do you feel unable to jump right into things; are you slow to answer questions or get ready to do something?

Question 20

Do you become irritated easily; would you say you have a "short fuse" with sudden outbursts of anger?

Question 21

Are you excessively rigid or are you a perfectionist (e.g. you have to get things just so, "picky, picky, picky")?

Question 22

Do you receive criticism for not working up to your potential (e.g. "could do so much better if only ... would try harder or work more consistently")?

Question 23

Do you get lost in daydreams or are you preoccupied with your own thoughts?

Question 24

Do you have difficulty in expressing anger appropriately to others; do you feel unable to stand up for yourself?

Question 25

Do you sometimes "run out of steam" or not follow through; does your effort fade quickly?

Question 26

Easily distracted

Question 27

Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning; do you find it very difficult to get out of bed and to get going?

Question 28

When you write things down, do you repeatedly erase, scratch out, or start over because of minor mistakes?

Question 29

Do you often feel discouraged, depressed, sad, or down?

Question 30

Do you tend to be a loner among peers, keep to yourself, and are shy; do you associate much with friends of the same age?

Question 31

Do you think you appear apathetic or unmotivated (others think you don 't care at all about your work)?

Question 32

Do you stare off into space - might you seem "out of it"?

Question 33

Do you often leave out words or letters in writing?

Question 34

Do you have sloppy, hard-to-read handwriting?

Question 35

Do you forget to bring—or loses track of—needed items such as keys, pencils, bills, and paperwork ("I know it's here some place; I just can't find it right now ... ")?

Question 36

Do you sometimes seem not to be listening and gets complaints from others about it?

Question 37

Do you need to be reminded by others to get started or to keep working on tasks that need to be done?

Question 38

Do you have difficulty in memorising facts (e.g. names, dates, information at work)?

Question 39

Do you have difficulty in following directions for assignments, completion of forms, etc. ?

Question 40

Do you starts tasks (e.g. paperwork, chores) but don't complete them?

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