Eating Habits Self Assessment

Are you unable to stop bingeing and purging even though you want to quit?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Are you very concerned about your weight?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you dislike yourself or the way you look?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you feel fat even though others think you are thin?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you feel that you can never eat normally?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you find yourself thinking about food constantly?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you frequently experience weight gain and loss?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you frequently try new diets and/or exercise plans?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you hide food?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you often avoid physical or sexual contact?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you often eat even when you are not hungry?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you tend to eat very quickly without being aware of how much you have eaten?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Do you wear baggy clothes to hide weight loss, or tight clothes to show off weight loss?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Has the frequency of your vomiting and/or purging increased?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Have other people made concerned comments about your eating habits?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Have you ever induced vomiting to prevent weight gain?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Have you used laxatives or diuretics to prevent weight gain?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you become angry when interrupted while eating?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you eat in secret?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you feel guilty about eating?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you feel self-conscious about eating in social situations?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you lie to others about how much or how little you eat?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you try to skip meals or avoid eating for the entire day?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you withdraw from friends and avoid social situations?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

Is it difficult for you to concentrate because you are thinking about food?

Eating Habits Self Assessment

How often do you find yourself feeling out of control when eating?

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